API Reference

HTTP Response Codes

HTTP Response CodeNameDescription
200OKThe request succeeded.
403ForbiddenMissing or invalid API key.
500Internal Server ErrorRedefine server-side issue, contact support.

Application-Specific Error Codes

HTTP ResponseError CodeNameDescription and troubleshooting
200500Api General ErrorAn unspecified internal server error occurred.
2001000Analysis In ProgressAnalysis in progress, retry after 10 seconds.
2001001Simulation FailedThe simulation failed to run or execution reverted.
2001002Missing Token DataUnable to retrieve token data, verify token details.
2001003Missing Contract NameUnable to retrieve contract name, verify contract details.
2001004Failed to AnalyzeFailed to analyze the address, verify address input.
2001005Missing Chain Risk DataFailed to retrieve risk data from the specified chain
2002000Input ValidationBad request, check input parameters.
2002001Contract Type MismatchProvided address does not match the expected contract type, verify the address.
2002002Bad RLP EncodingBad request, the RLP data provided is invalid
2002003Invalid Wallet AddressThe endpoint expects the address to be an EOA or a contract implementing a wallet
2002004Invalid Liquidity Pool AddressThe endpoint expects the address to be a contract implementing a liquidity pool
2002005User Configuration ErrorThe user has to review its API configuration
2003000Bad RequestBad request, simulation cannot execute - check transaction parameters.