API Reference

Welcome to Redefine's API Docs

This documentation provides detailed instructions on interacting with our two main endpoints: DeFirewall and Due Diligence, within a RESTful framework. Additionally, our API seamlessly integrates features like AML/Compliance screening into its comprehensive risk assessment process.

Want API access?

API requests require authenticated API keys. If your request lacks an API key, it will return an error. If you need an API key, please get in touch with your Redefine point of contact or email [email protected]



The DeFirewall transaction screening engine provides important risk-related information, synthesized risk insights, and relevant behavioral metrics for both transactions and signed messages

Each DeFirewall response provides comprehensive risk-related information, including AML/Compliance considerations, synthesized insights, and behavioral metrics for transactions and signed messages.

Due Diligence - NEW!

The Due Diligence engine provides users with comprehensive risk insights and risk-related metrics associated with an address

The Due Diligence engine offers comprehensive risk insights and metrics, with an integrated focus on AML/Compliance for contracts and EOA addresses.

Supported Chains

Our API supports a range of EVM-compatible chains, enabling diverse risk analysis capabilities across different networks. If you require support for a chain that is not listed below, please send a request to your Redefine point of contact or email [email protected]

NetworkCurrencyChain ID
Ethereum MainnetETH1
Polygon MainnetMATIC137
Binance Smart ChainBNB56
Avalanche C-ChainAVAX43114
Arbitrum One ChainETH42161